Take Note House Republicans, Senate Ethanol Tax Break Vote Proves Revenue is On The Table

*Republican's 2012 Budget

From the Democratic Whip Press Shop:

We hope House Republicans were paying attention to the ethanol vote in the Senate today, as 73 Senators—including 33 Republicans—voted to end these tax breaks.

That’s 33 Republican Senators who finally agreed that the tax code is not off limits when looking to restore fiscal discipline.

As The Hill reports:

“The vote also could have ramifications on future votes to reduce the deficit. Much of the GOP conference supported Feinstein's bill even though it does not include another tax break to offset the elimination of the ethanol tax credit.” 

“As such, the vote could also represent a setback for influential conservative Grover Norquist, head of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), who said a vote for the plan would violate the anti-tax pledge most Republicans have signed unless paired with a separate tax-cutting amendment.”

It looks like 33 Senate Republicans are starting to understand. It is time for House Republicans to drop their plan to balance the budget on the backs of seniors, join their Senate colleagues in acknowledging that revenues need to be on the table and work with Democrats to craft a bipartisan deficit agreement.