Press Release
For Immediate Release: 
November 15, 2022
Contact Info: 
Raymond Rodriguez 202-225-3130
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released an update to his Member-recognition app, Dome Directory, which includes the addition of all new Members-Elect in both the House and Senate, available now for free on iOSAndroid, and the web. This app helps Members of Congress, staff, the press, and the public learn about Members of Congress and their roles in Congress. 
“Today, I’m excited to release a new update to my app that will help the Congressional community and the public learn about our incoming class of Members-Elect,” said Leader Hoyer. “House Democrats are committed to making Congress more modern, open, and accountable to the American people, and apps like my Dome Watch and Dome Directory exemplify that."
The app is designed and built in-house by the Majority Leader’s Office. It allows users to select a "deck" of Members based on chamber, party, committee, major caucus, or freshman or sophomore class. Within each deck, users can click green or red as they memorize Members, with red clicks coming back through the deck. The app also contains a set of badges to showcase Members' various roles within Congress, including membership and leadership roles in committees and major Caucuses. The new version includes three new "decks" of the incoming House Democrats, incoming House Republicans, and incoming Senators. Members-Elect are added only when races are officially called, and they will continue to be added as more races are called over the coming days and weeks. Note: Incoming Members do not yet have committee or caucus assignments, and therefore do not yet have most badges like incumbent Members. 
Find the latest Dome Directory app now for free on iOSAndroid, and the web. Dome Directory was originally launched in January of 2021 and received a major 2.0 update in July of 2022. Dome Directory is the second app from the House Majority Leader's Office. Dome Watch, originally launched in June of 20152.0 in March of 20173.0 in March of 2019, and 4.0 in November of 2021, allows users to closely follow the House Floor in real-time. Dome Watch is also available for free on iOSAndroid, or the web.