Press Release ● Fiscal Responsibility
For Immediate Release: 
June 5, 2018
Contact Info: 
Mariel Saez 202-225-3130
WASHINGTON, DC - House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today on the Trump Administration's updated rescissions proposal:

“The Trump Administration seems to be doing the best job at making the argument against its own rescissions proposal.  After an outbreak demonstrated the importance of emergency ebola funding, it dropped its request to rescind those funds.  Alongside other reduced or eliminated rescissions, the administration today directly undercut its case that money it proposed for rescission would never be spent anyway.  Removing or correcting ten of the package’s proposed rescissions shows how wrongheaded their approach was from the start. 

“However, the real heart of the case against the President’s rescissions package is that none of his proposals so far have come close to addressing even in small part the enormous deficits incurred as a result of the Republican tax law.  This President and his allies in Congress have enacted legislation that adds trillions of dollars to the deficit over the next decade in order to provide tax breaks to the very wealthy, meanwhile raising taxes on the middle class.  The amended rescissions package proposed today is, like its predecessor, a sham.”