Press Release ● The Climate Crisis
For Immediate Release: 
August 21, 2018
Contact Info: 
Annaliese Davis 202-225-3130
WASHINGTON, DC - House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after the Trump Administration announced their proposed rule on carbon dioxide emissions, which will end the Clean Power Plan:

“Today, the Trump Administration doubled down on its war on clean air by ending the Clean Power Plan and replacing it with a proposal to advantage the same polluters whose former lobbyists and executives now populate the EPA and other Administration agencies. This is yet another example of this Administration placing the profits of large corporations ahead of the safety of our children and the future of our planet. 

“We’ve all seen the effects of climate change, driven by runaway carbon pollution, in the form of deadly storms and rising temperatures. Instead of ignoring this global challenge, America ought to lead efforts to address it and, in the process, take advantage of new economic opportunities in clean energy technologies. I urge the Trump Administration to stop taking away America’s ability to lead and secure a better future for our country and our planet.”