Press Release ● National Security
For Immediate Release: 
January 30, 2018
Contact Info: 
Mariel Saez 202-225-3130
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after House Republicans brought the defense appropriations bill to the Floor for the third time this Congress without a full budget agreement:

“Today, the House was asked to vote a third time on a defense appropriation bill before reaching a bipartisan agreement on budget caps for the fiscal year.  Democrats strongly support robust funding for our military, and we agree with Pentagon leaders who have said that budget uncertainty hinders military planning and readiness – but it also damages every other government agency as well.  Both defense and non-defense programs are critical to our national security.  Non-defense priorities include homeland security, law enforcement, and our diplomats working to secure our interests around the world.  That’s why we continue to urge Republicans to reach a bipartisan compromise on lifting the budget caps according to the principle of parity, as we’ve agreed to do for the past four years.  In that way, we will be better able to fund both defense and non-defense priorities robustly.  Instead of continuing to spend time voting on measures we’ve already considered, let’s turn to the important work of reaching an agreement on budget caps at parity.”