Press Release ● The Climate Crisis
For Immediate Release: 
November 23, 2018
Contact Info: 
Annaliese Davis 202-225-3130
WASHINGTON, DC - House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today on the Fourth National Climate Assessment:

“Today’s report by federal climate scientists, released on a day when the Trump Administration believed fewer Americans would see it, reveals the alarming extent of our global climate challenges. It portends dangerous increases in global temperatures and rising sea levels in the coming decades, resulting in potentially hundreds of billions of dollars in damage each year and threats to public health and national security. By leaving the Paris Climate Agreement and by rolling back safeguards to cut carbon pollution from power plants and cars, this Administration is willfully turning its back on the dangers of climate change. Our country is poised to be left behind in the international response, endangering our children and forgoing opportunities to lead the global economy in the development of clean energy.

“Though President Trump and Congressional Republicans continue to ignore climate change and call it a hoax, Democrats understand the severity of this challenge and are determined to act. We will use our House majority to ensure that this challenge is not ignored. We will look for every opportunity to advance legislation to address one of the most pressing issues of our time.”