Press Release ● The Climate Crisis
For Immediate Release: 
April 21, 2018
Contact Info: 
Annaliese Davis 202-225-4131
WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement in recognition of Earth Day, which is observed tomorrow, April 22:

“On this Earth Day, which we observe on Sunday, let us recommit ourselves to the task of preserving our planet to sustain future generations. If we neglect the Earth, the only home we have, we will have failed in our most basic responsibility to our children and grandchildren. They deserve clean air to breathe and uncontaminated water to drink. They ought to live without worry from rising sea levels or increasingly volatile storms. I worry that we are failing to meet this responsibility. 

“The Trump Administration’s dangerous race to eliminate as many environmental protections as possible will leave us vulnerable to ecological threats and climate change. From dying coral reefs to the desertification of once-fertile landscapes, from the melting Arctic ice to the extinction of plant and animal species, our planet is suffering as a result of human activity. The Trump Administration and Congressional Republicans must accept that climate change is real and that we have a responsibility to address it.”