For Immediate Release: 
August 24, 2021
Contact Info: 
Margaret Mulkerrin 202-225-3130
WASHINGTON, DC - House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) spoke on the House Floor today in support of the Rule providing for consideration of the Build Back Better Act; H.R. 4, the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act; and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework. Below is a link to the video and a transcript of his remarks:
Click here to watch the video.

“I rise in support of this Rule. This Rule allows the Congress of the United States to do the people's business in two critical areas—actually, three.

“Number one, it provides for us to receive from the Senate the budget and to do what the Republicans did on their tax bill – act on a budget reconciliation bill.

“You did that. You, of course, didn't pay for it. We're going to pay for this.

“Secondly, this rule allows us to proceed on a piece of legislation, which seeks to make sure that the Voting Rights Act, protecting the most important asset a citizen has, and that is their right to vote, or as our Speaker has said, the voice of those not empowered. That's not exactly what it was, Madam Speaker.

“Two of these items are critical, and when we talk about saving lives, the reconciliation bill and the budget – the Build Back Better Act – is going to save lives and enrich the quality of lives of our people.

“And thirdly, this rule will allow us to proceed to adopt the Bipartisan—69 Senators voting for it—Infrastructure Bill. It is not a perfect bill. It is not our bill, and it is limited in some respects in terms of its addressing one of our most important challenges and enemies, and that's climate change. It is, nevertheless, is a very substantial investment in America, its growth, its people, and jobs.

“Vote for this rule. It's a good bill for the people.”