For Immediate Release: 
June 27, 2019
Contact Info: 
Annaliese Davis 202-225-3130
WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) delivered remarks at a press conference today led by Congresswoman Joyce Beatty (OH-03) on the steps of the U.S. Department of Treasury to urge Secretary Mnuchin to commit to placing abolitionist Harriet Tubman on the new $20 bill. The press conference followed the Secretary’s decision to indefinitely delay putting Tubman on the new $20. Below is a transcript of his remarks:

“Thank you, Congresswoman Beatty. Thank you for your strong voice and your leadership.
“This is a $20 bill. Andrew Jackson is on this $20 bill. To that extent, this bill is like every other bill: no women. Fifty-three percent of our population unrepresented for two centuries on our currency – a place of honor, a place of distinction, a place of appreciation for what has been done.
“Araminta Ross. Araminta Ross, born in Dorchester County on the Eastern Shore in 1822. Because of the courage and determination that she had, she came to be free. She became Harriet Tubman.
“If you come to my office – the Majority Leader’s Office of the United States House of Representatives – you will see two pictures hanging on the walls of Harriet Tubman. She deserves those places of honor in my office, but America needs to recognize her courage and the 13 dangerous trips she took to save others. She knew being free herself was not enough. She went back time, after time, after time at great personal risk to make sure that others could be free.
“We not only honor her because of her gender, we not only honor her because of the color of her skin, but we honor her for her character - her character to save, and preserve, and uphold America’s values.

“That is why it is so appropriate that Harriet Tubman be added to the $20 bill. To recognize her, and her courage, and her vision, and her mission - which is America’s mission.
“We haven’t always lived out that mission, but because of citizens like Harriet Tubman, we’ve become better.  It is time – it is long-past time – but it is never too late to do the right thing. I urge the Secretary, I urge the President of the United States – pick up your phone, Mr. President! Call Secretary Mnuchin and say: Mr. Secretary, this is the right thing to do for America.
“Make it happen! America will be a better place with Tubman on the Twenty.”