For Immediate Release: 
November 19, 2021
Contact Info: 
Margaret Mulkerrin 202-225-3130
WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) joined Members of the House Democratic Leadership this morning for a press conference after House Democrats voted to pass the historic Build Back Better Act. Below is a transcript of his remarks.

“First of all, congratulations, Madam Speaker. This is a historic piece of legislation and you were its leader, with, as you said, the vision of the President of the United States. This bill will speak for itself with millions and millions and millions of Americans whose lives will be made more secure, more richer in the terms of quality of life, whose educational opportunities will be greater, and whose job opportunities will be greatly enhanced. And America’s competitiveness in the world will be heightened in the 21st century.

“As the President said, this is a transformational piece of legislation. It’s a big win for the people, for the average working men and women of America. For those who struggle every day and hope that somebody is on their side, somebody is listening to their pain and their struggle, and their challenge. This bill is an answer, this bill will make a difference in their lives. That’s why this bill is so historic, not for next year or the year after, but for decades to come. It will make America a better land. A land of greater opportunity. A land of the free. A land of the brave.

“I now yield to my distinguished colleague from South Carolina, who counted the votes precisely. Thank you, Jim Clyburn of South Carolina.”