For Immediate Release: 
May 18, 2022
Contact Info: 
Margaret Mulkerrin 202-225-3130
WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) spoke on the House Floor this evening in support of H.R. 350, the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act. Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery and a link to the video:
Click here to watch the video.

“Madam Speaker, on January 6, 2021, we saw what happens when extremist ideology – disseminated online, in the media, and even by elected officials – is allowed to fester into violent action. We see far too much these days of ideology being transformed into violence, which is never acceptable and must not be met with silence or acquiescence.

“In recent days, we have watched families mourn those killed in a horrific act of hatred in Buffalo, New York, where someone who espoused white supremacy committed a mass shooting targeting African Americans. We have also seen this terror in places like Atlanta and Laguna Woods, California, where members of the Asian American community were targeted with deadly violence. We saw it in El Paso in 2020 against the Latino community and in Pittsburgh in 2018 against Jewish Americans.

“Indeed, in the aftermath of these events, and particularly this week, Americans have been learning more about the kind of violence-promoting and twisted ideologies of hate that pose a clear and present danger to our democracy, to the safety of our communities, and to the social fabric of our country. One of the worst of these, which is known as the ‘great replacement’ theory, is no more than a centuries-old form of prejudice, which holds that minorities are conspiring to replace white people. 

“This vile and false narrative is, sadly, not restricted to the dark and distant corners of the internet where extremists lurk. It has found a foothold in mass media and, shockingly, even among elected officials and representatives in this House. Many in this House who have had the opportunity to condemn this theory and those who espouse it have chosen silence.

“It is from that same kind of silence that the seeds of dehumanization, persecution, and horrific violence were planted in in Germany in the 1930’s. We know where that kind of rhetoric leads, and we must not allow our nation to go down that path. This is one of the most pernicious forms of hatred that fuels domestic terrorism in our day. And it is incumbent upon us as the representatives of the American people and the guardians of our democracy to ensure that those who espouse violent, extremist views have no place in our government, our military, or any position of public trust.

“This bipartisan legislation will do that and will also equip law enforcement with the tools needed to identify and stop domestic terrorists – including white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and other racially motivated extremists – and do so proactively. This legislation also commissions numerous reports on the rising threat of domestic extremism that will help guide future policymaking on this issue.

“Madam Speaker, to stop these purveyors of evil from tearing our country apart, we must act decisively, and we must act now. I want to thank Rep. Brad Schneider and Chairman Jerry Nadler for their leadership on this very important issue. I know, as does every member of this House, that extremist violence can reach anyone, anytime, and anywhere – whether it be a place of worship, a grocery store, or, as we learned last year, this very hall. That’s why I urge everyone to vote ‘yes’ – to save lives and protect our democracy.”