Press Release ● Ending Poverty & Expanding Opportunity
For Immediate Release: 
September 10, 2019
Contact Info: 
Mariel Saez (Hoyer) 202-225-3130
David Stephen (Lee), 202-225-2661
WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) and Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA), Chair of the Majority Leader Task Force on Poverty and Opportunity, released the following statement in response to today's report by the U.S. Census Bureau:

"Today's report by the U.S. Census Bureau makes one thing abundantly clear: anti-poverty programs work. While we are pleased the report shows that the poverty rate has fallen slightly to 11.8 percent, with 1.4 million Americans rising above the poverty line in 2019, we continue to be concerned by Republican attempts to undermine proven programs that lift Americans out of poverty.  
"This report also underscores that if President Trump implements his draconian policies and guts these critical programs, millions of Americans will see their circumstances worsen. The Administration’s attempts to change the official poverty measure, restrict eligibility for SNAP, and enact work requirements for Medicaid will force many families off the programs that we know are working and helping them stay afloat.  Meanwhile, we also see the direct result of the Trump Administration’s health care sabotage efforts with the increase in the number of uninsured Americans by two million.
"At a time when we see progress in the fight to eliminate poverty, we cannot allow this Administration to turn back the gains we have made. That is why House Democrats will continue fighting to create jobs that pay well, to raise wages, and to expand opportunity."