For Immediate Release: 
July 22, 2020
Contact Info: 
Mariel Saez 202-225-3130
WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) spoke on the House Floor tonight during a Special Order Hour to pay tribute to the life and legacy of Congressman John Lewis. Below is a transcript of his remarks and a link to the video. 

Click here to watch the video.
“Some in my generation remember the song, Abraham, Martin, and John. And then, of course, there was Bobby. All four taken from us far too early in their lives. God blessed each of us, this institution, and this country with giving to John Lewis health for eight decades. He used that health and strength, mind and body to serve his God, his faith, his country, and his people.
“I can say that John Lewis was my friend. But then again, we could all say that John Lewis was our friend and be right in that claim. Because John Lewis was a person who loved his fellow human beings. So many of you have heard me refer to John Lewis as the most Christ-like person I have ever met. He was human, and he represented the best of humanity, all the positive attributes that humanity can summon. And that is why you hear from both sides of the aisle, from all ideologies, from people of different colors and different races and different genders and different nationalities and… certainly different languages. For he was just not an American, though proud he was of that appellation, he was a citizen of humanity… We hear about Gandhi, we talk about Christian values, but no one we know has lived and breathed -- it was Jim Clyburn that said it -- who was those attributes. Not that he believed in them or talked about, he embodied the best attributes that are in us all.
“We have a short time because time is limited and so many want to speak because they were touched by John Lewis. They were inspired by John Lewis. They were motivated and uplifted by John Lewis. Mr. Speaker, how lucky we are to be able to say: John Lewis was our friend; I knew John Lewis. John Lewis made a personal difference in my life and the life of millions of other people who may not even know the name of John Lewis, but he enriched their lives. He made them freer. He made their country better.
“Mr. Speaker, if I had another hour, or another day, or another week, I would not run out of good things to say about John Lewis. But his life and his contributions need no elevation from me or any others for his life is a book of goodness, of courage, of commitment, of vision, and of great accomplishment. We sing the song ‘God bless America,’ and God blessed America and the world with John Robert Lewis. Thank you, Lord.”