Speech ● Congress
For Immediate Release: 
April 14, 2021
Contact Info: 
Margaret Mulkerrin 202-225-3130
WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) spoke on the House Floor today to honor United States Capitol Police officers, including those on his security team, and thank them for their courage in protecting and serving the Capitol complex. Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery and a link to the video:

Click here to watch the video. 
“Madam Speaker, in March the House passed legislation to award a Congressional Gold Medal to the men of women of the U.S. Capitol Police for their heroism on January 6 and for their daily efforts to protect the institutions of our democracy. On April 3, we saw an example once again not only of the danger in which they place themselves through their service but also the courage they bring to that service.

“In the short span of fewer than 100 days, the U.S. Capitol Police force lost three members as a result of attacks on the Capitol complex. And while a Congressional Gold Medal is a very fitting tribute, it can neither lessen the grief felt by their fellow officers nor reduce the sense of unease that so many of them must still be feeling today. This has been a very challenging time for the Capitol Police force. And, surely, the force will be going through a period of change and adaptation for some time to come, as will all of us who serve here in the Capitol complex. So, I want to take a moment on this Floor to say ‘thank you’ to those who still stand watch at the doors and the vehicle barriers, who patrol the neighborhood and the office buildings, who sit ready to respond quickly to any emergency – never knowing what the next alarm might bring.

“And, in particular, I want to thank the men and women who have served on the security detail that the Capitol Police have assigned to me in my role as Majority Leader. Since being elected to the House Leadership, I have been privileged to know some of the best on the force. In order to protect their safety and privacy, I will not share their names here – but they know who they are. Each and every one of them not only have my immense gratitude and respect, but they have the admiration of my entire staff also, whom they have gotten to know very well.

“And on January 6, when the rioters first breached the Capitol’s defenses, these officers acted without delay, according to their training, to get me quickly to a safe location – as their colleagues did for the Speaker, the Whip, the Republican Leader, the Republican Whip, and Senate leaders too. They checked in with staff and did their best to get us information in a situation that was chaotic and rapidly changing.

“My security detail, until the last Congress, had been led by an officer who now serves the force in a more senior capacity. He was by my side almost every day for nearly two decades. I came to know him and his family well, just as I have the other members of my detail. They are like family to all of us in the Majority Leader’s Office. This senior officer was present in the Capitol on January 6, and he acted heroically in trying to keep the rioters away from the House Chamber and in responding when one of them was shot in the hallway just outside. I know that the events of that day still weigh very heavily on him. And I hope that he knows – and that all of his colleagues know – that their grief and pain weighs heavily on all of us whom they protect and serve.

“We know that this is a difficult moment and that the Capitol Police force is facing challenges like never before in its 193-year history. But I hope they know – and always remember – that, along with the Gold Medal we voted to bestow upon them, they receive daily our support, our appreciation, and our highest esteem. May God bless and protect our U.S. Capitol Police officers.”