Statement ● Congress
For Immediate Release: 
April 26, 2017
Contact Info: 

Mariel Saez 202-225-3130

WASHINGTON, DC - House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) joined Neil Cavuto on Fox News this afternoon to discuss President Trump's tax proposal released today. Below are excerpts from the interview and a link to the video:

Click here to watch the video.

“One of the groups just put out a cost analysis of the - we just have a one-page paper. We don't have any bill, we don't have any really detailed proposal. But, they estimate the cost at $6 trillion dollars... over ten years... that's $600 billion dollars a year.  And essentially what they're saying is it doesn't have to be paid for. Frankly, I think we've gotten into deep debt in our country, since I came here, largely because we didn't pay for tax cuts, and they didn't pay for themselves notwithstanding the fact that that was always the argument.”

“We certainly need tax reform. I think everybody agrees. Everybody I think agrees...[President] Obama suggested we bring the corporate tax rate down. So I think there's a consensus on that, but that's where it ends.”

“We have a very, very sort of Reader's Digest, not even a Reader’s Digest, view of what the proposal will be. So we'll have to wait to see the details. But the back of the envelope estimate is it will be very, very costly, $6 trillion. I'm one from my own party and the other party, we need to pay for tax cuts.”