Press Release ● Voting Rights
For Immediate Release: 
July 30, 2020
Contact Info: 
Mariel Saez 202-225-3130
WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today on President Trump’s attacks on voting by mail and his suggestion to delay the election: 

“America does not have dictators who unlawfully cancel elections. President Trump has no power to cancel or delay the 2020 election, which will be held on November 3. This is something he would know had he read the Constitution he swore to protect and defend. His continued efforts to subvert and suppress the upcoming election are borne of nothing less than fear of what polls show will likely be a significant defeat. That’s why he keeps trying to sow doubts about voting by mail, which is safe and trustworthy. In fact, that’s how President Trump votes himself. 
“Clearly, the President is trying to distract from this morning’s dismal economic news and his Administration’s complete failure to address the challenge of COVID-19. He is hoping that if he can create controversy, it will deflect attention away from his terrible record and inability to summon responsible leadership. The American people will not be fooled.”