Leader's Report ● Make It In America
For Immediate Release: 
April 13, 2018
Contact Info: 
Mariel Saez 202-225-3130
Message from the Democratic Whip

Last week, I completed my third Make It In America Listening Tour with stops in Madison and Eau Claire, Wisconsin, along with Reps. Mark Pocan and Ron Kind. During the trip, we heard from people about the challenges they’re facing, their hopes for the future, and what they need from their government. This trip was another effort to show Americans that House Democrats are listening and understand the economic insecurity they feel. We will use their feedback to build an economic plan that will help ensure more of our people make it in America—rather than imposing an agenda from Washington. You can see photos from my trip here.

This week in the House, Republicans brought a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Floor just months after jamming through their tax cuts for the wealthy that will explode the deficit by $1.8 trillion. This legislation, which failed to pass the House, would have put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block and prevented Congress from effectively responding if a recession occurred. This hypocritical, political stunt was derided by Members on both sides of the aisle.

Finally, now that Speaker Ryan is no longer running for reelection, I hope that he will work with Democrats to address the outstanding issues facing this Congress. We ought to come together to get things done for the American people, including funding the government, reaching a bipartisan compromise on a Farm Bill, reauthorizing the FAA, passing defense and intelligence authorization bills, bringing bipartisan legislation to protect DREAMers to the Floor for a vote, and taking up legislation to protect Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation. I encourage Republicans to work with Democrats and bring these bipartisan priorities to the Floor.

Sincerely yours,

Steny H. Hoyer
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Democratic NEWS UPDATE

On the Make It In America Listening Tours On Republicans Hypocritical Balanced Budget Amendment