Leader's Report ● Congress
For Immediate Release: 
April 7, 2017
Contact Info: 

Mariel Saez 202-225-3130


This week, the GOP-led House completed a six-week work period, and I am deeply disappointed that House Republicans’ dysfunction prevented the House from getting things done for the American people during that time. House Republican leaders failed to put forward a single jobs bill; they were forced to pull their harmful TrumpCare bill after weeks of disarray; and they spent the majority of our time rolling back protections for the environment, workers, consumers, students, and others. In addition, they did not pass a bill to fund the government, leaving only four legislative days to act when we return from the district work period. When the House reconvenes, Democrats are prepared to work with Republicans to pass a bipartisan bill to responsibly fund the government. I strongly urge Republican leaders to not risk a shut down by insisting on including poison pill provisions in the bill.

I am also urging Republicans to abandon their continued attempts to revive their failed TrumpCare bill. While they continue to make changes to win over Members, we know the bill would kick 24 million Americans off their coverage while raising premiums 24-29%, on average. That’s unacceptable and out of step with what the majority of Americans want. A new Kaiser Family Foundation poll shows 75% of Americans want the GOP to work with Democrats to improve the Affordable Care Act. Democrats are ready to work on a bipartisan basis to do so, but Republicans must take repeal off of the table and stop their attempts to sabotage the law.

Finally, this week, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee took a long overdue step to recuse himself from his committee’s investigation into Russia’s ongoing efforts to undermine our democracy. While that is a positive development, it’s clear that we need a bipartisan, independent investigative commission. I will continue to urge Republican leaders to establish such a committee.

Sincerely yours,

Steny H. Hoyer

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On Republican Attempts to Revive TrumpCare

On the Trump Administration’s Relationship with Russia

On Funding the Government